You always know when spring is coming, when the Sheffield brownie baker will be at the first Sharrow Vale Street Market, this Sunday 21st April
All the latest news and reviews
The perfect gift, JUST GOT BETTER!
Mini Egg or Creme Egg?
Mother's Day - 10th March. Deliver Love this Mothers Day with the perfect gift of a box of delicious brownies and a loving message for Mum.
Brownies Ready! Cookies Ready! Gladiators Ready!
Although the Sheffield Train station shop was closed for the train strike yesterday, the Sheffield Brownie Bakery was still going ahead at full speed.
Who wants roses when you can have brownies. The perfect Valentine’s gift is sure to earn you serious brownie points this Valentine’s Day. Share the Love, with our Great Taste Award-Winning chocolate.
Not 1! But 2!! Now it's official. Our Great Taste Award chocolate brownies are truly Scrumptious.
Win £100 to spend at the Sheffield Brownie baker - Scrumptious by Lucy Reader's Digest Feb Edition
There's still time to earn some serious Valentine brownie points and share the love.
Valentine's day, share the love with my latest creation. The ultimate Valentine's brownie slab.
Christmas brownies Orders & delivery dates from the Sheffield brownies baker
You always know when spring is coming, when the Sheffield brownie baker will be at the first Sharrow Vale Street Market, this Sunday 21st April
Do Scrumptious brownies really grow on Christmas trees ?
From the Sheffield train station brownies, to the Bakewell blondies, what a lovely week
Bakewell Brownies from the Sheffield brownies baker @ Bakewell Christmas festival 19th/20th Nov.
Bakewell blondies are coming home ! Bakewell Autumn Festival this Saturday & Sunday 24th & 25th Sept
Best in Show for Scrumptious by Lucy Mars Bar brownies at Penistone show this Saturday 10th Sept
Scrumptious by Lucy the Sheffield brownies baker is on tour
Brownie of the Month is back ! Welcome to the Mars bar brownie.